Standard Detayı
İptal Standard TÜRK STANDARDI (Direktif :2009/142/EC)
TS No :
TS EN 521
Tercüme Tarihi :
Kabul Tarihi :
İptal Tarihi :
30.09.2019 |
Hazırlık Grubu :
Tesisat ve Basınçlı Kaplar Özel Daimi Komitesi |
Doküman Tipi :
Yürürlük Durumu :
H (İptal Edilmiş Standard/Withdrawn standard) |
Başlık :
Belirli amaca yönelik sıvılaştırılmış petrol gazı (lpg) cihazları için özellikler-Sıvılaştırılmış petrol gazlarını buhar basıncında kullanan taşınabilir cihazlar |
Başlık (İng) :
Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas appliances |
Kapsam :
Bu standard, gaz tüpünde buhar basıncındaki sıvılaştırılmış petrol gazını yakan taşınabilir cihazların emniyeti ve enerjinin verimli kullanmasıyla ilgili yapım ve performans özelliklerini kapsar. Bu standard aynı zamanda, talimatlarda verilen işaretleme ve bilgilerle ilgili deney metotlarını ve kurallarını da kapsar. |
Kapsam (İng) :
This European Standard specifies the construction and performance characteristics related to safety and the rational use of energy of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within the gas container. It also defines test methods and the requirements for marking and the information to be given in the instructions. This European Standard applies to various types of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at vapour pressure and designed to be used with (non refillable) cartridges as complying with EN 417 or any types of gas cylinders other than cartridges. This European Standard only applies to type examination. Appliances covered by this European Standard are not connected to a flue for the discharge of products of combustion and are not connected to the mains electricity supply. This European Standard covers neither appliances supplied with LPG in the liquid phase nor those incorporating a fixed gas reservoir which may or may not be refilled by the user. This European Standard does not cover gas containers or flexible hose. It does not apply to smokers lighters covered by EN ISO 9994. Requirements for rational use of energy have been included for hotplate burners. However, such requirements have not been included for the other types of appliances because: - for grills and barbecues, this is a type of cooking which is achieved by various means such as radiant elements; in addition this type of cooking varies according to the type of food and region where the appliance is used; - for lighting appliances, the consumption is insignificant because these appliances have a very low rate and are used only for a few hours in a year; - for heating appliances, all the heat produced is discharged into the environment; - for tools such as blowtorches which are not professional tools in regular use, the gas consumption depends very much on the way it is used. |
Yerine Geçen :
TS EN 521 :2019; |
Yararlanılan Kaynak :
EN 521:2006 |
Uluslararası Karşılıklar :
DIN EN 521 -EQV; EN 521-EQV; NF D35-356, NF EN 521 -EQV; BS EN 521-EQV |
Tercüme Edildiği STD :
EN 521 |
ICS Kodu :
27.060.20 Gaz Yakıt Brulörleri |
Atıf Yapılan STD :
TS 616-1-1 EN 30-1-1 :2000; TS EN 125 :1995; TS 10909 EN 549 :1996; TS 2000 EN 60335-1 :2005; TS EN 1774 :2002; |
Cen/Cenelec :
Dili :
tr, en, fr, de |
Renk Durumu :
Siyah-Beyaz |
Uygulama Durumu :
Yürürlükten kaldırıldı (Withdrawn Standard) |
Sayfa Sayısı :
53 |
Fiyatı :
446,00 TL + %10 Kdv |
Çakışan Standart Varsa İptal Tarihi (DOW) | - |