Standard Arama
Standard Arama Sisteme Giriş
Standard Detayı
TS No : TS EN IEC 60512-11-1      
Kabul Tarihi : 16.12.2019
Hazırlık Grubu : Teknik Kurul
Doküman Tipi :
Yürürlük Durumu : U (Yürürlükteki Standard/Standard)
Başlık : Elektrikli ve elektronik aletler için konnektörler - Testler ve ölçümler - Bölüm 11-1: İklimsel testler - Test 11a - İklim dizisi
Başlık (İng) : Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 11-1: Climatic tests - Test 11a - Climatic sequence
Kapsam :
Kapsam (İng) : IEC 60512-11-1:2019 when required by the detail (product) specification, is used for testing connectors within the scope of IEC technical committee 48. This test may also be used for similar devices (i.e. when the degradation mechanisms are the same) when specified in a detail (product) specification. The object of this test is to define a standard test method to assess the ability of connectors to function in a specified manner, in a specified environment which might be encountered during normal use, including storage. This document provides a standard composite test method for determining the suitability of connectors when subjected to environmental conditions consisting of a sequence of temperature, humidity and, where required, low air pressure environmental stresses.
Yerini Aldığı : TS EN 60512-11-1 :2001;  
Yararlanılan Kaynak : EN IEC 60512-11-1:2019
Uluslararası Karşılıklar : EN IEC 60512-11-1-EQV; IEC 60512-11-1-EQV
ICS Kodu : 31.220.01 Elektromekanik Bileşenler (Genel)
Cen/Cenelec : CENELEC/IEC
Dili : en
Renk Durumu : Siyah-Beyaz
Uygulama Durumu : Yürürlükte
Sayfa Sayısı : 20
Fiyatı : 56,00 EURO  (2.062,44 TL + %10 Kdv)
Çakışan Standart Varsa İptal Tarihi (DOW) -