Standard Arama
Standard Arama Sisteme Giriş
Standard Detayı
TS No : TS EN IEC 60947-1      
Kabul Tarihi : 12.04.2021
Hazırlık Grubu : Teknik Kurul
Doküman Tipi :
Yürürlük Durumu : U (Yürürlükteki Standard/Standard)
Başlık : Alçak gerilim anahtarlama düzeni ve kontrol düzeni - Bölüm 1: Genel kurallar
Başlık (İng) : Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General rules
Kapsam :
Kapsam (İng) : IEC 60947-1:2020 applies, when required by the relevant product standard, to low-voltage switchgear and controlgear hereinafter referred to as "equipment" or “device” and intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC. This document states the general rules and common safety requirements for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear, including: - definitions; - characteristics; - information supplied with the equipment; - normal service, mounting and transport conditions, decommissioning and dismantling; - constructional and performance requirements; - verification of characteristics and performance; - energy efficiency aspects (see Annex V); - environmental aspects. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2007, Amendment 1:2010 and Amendment 2:2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: – DC values testing improvement; – update of EMC tests; – Annex B deletion; – update of requirements for environmental tests (Table Q.1); – improvement of Annex R (new examples); – deletion of digital input Type 2, and introduction of Type 3 in Annex S; – example for materials declaration (Annex W); – new Annex X (co-ordination between short-circuit protective devices associated in the same circuit) created.
Yerini Aldığı : TS EN 60947-1 :2008;  TS EN 60947-1 :2010;  TS EN 60947-1/A1 :2012;  TS EN 60947-1:2007/A1:2011 :2011;  
Tadil Eden : TS EN IEC 60947-1/AC :2023;  TS EN IEC 60947-1/AC :2024;  
Yararlanılan Kaynak : EN IEC 60947-1:2021
Uluslararası Karşılıklar : EN IEC 60947-1-EQV; IEC 60947-1-EQV
ICS Kodu : 29.130.20 Alçak Gerilim Anahtarlama ve Kontrol Düzenleri
Cen/Cenelec : CENELEC/IEC
Dili : en
Renk Durumu : Renkli
Uygulama Durumu : Yürürlükte
Sayfa Sayısı : 299
Fiyatı : 177,00 EURO  (6.468,68 TL + %10 Kdv)
Çakışan Standart Varsa İptal Tarihi (DOW)-