Standard Arama
Standard Arama Sisteme Giriş
Standard Detayı
İptal Standard
TS No : TS EN 1990      
Kabul Tarihi : 11.11.2002
İptal Tarihi : 24.04.2023
Hazırlık Grubu : Teknik Kurul
Doküman Tipi :
Yürürlük Durumu : H (İptal Edilmiş Standard/Withdrawn standard)
Başlık : Eurocade-Yapı tasarımının temelleri
Başlık (İng) : Eurocode - Basis of structural design
Kapsam :
Kapsam (İng) : (1) EN 1990 establishes Principles and requirements for the safety, serviceability and durability of structures, describes the basis for their design and verification and gives guidelines for related aspects of structural reliability. (2) EN 1990 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1991 to EN 1999 for the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works, including geotechnical as-pects, structural fire design, situations involving earthquakes, execution and temporary structures. NOTE For the design of special construction works (e.g. nuclear installations, dams, etc.), other provi-sions than those in EN 1990 to EN 1999 might be necessary. (3) EN 1990 is applicable for the design of structures where other materials or other actions outside the scope of EN 1991 to EN 1999 are involved. (4) EN 1990 is applicable for the structural appraisal of existing construction, in devel-oping the design of repairs and alterations or in assessing changes of use. NOTE Additional or amended provisions might be necessary where appropriate.
Yerine Geçen : TS EN 1990 :2023;  
Tadil Eden : TS EN 1990/A1 :2006;  TS EN 1990/A1/AC :2010;  
Yararlanılan Kaynak : EN 1990:2002
Uluslararası Karşılıklar : EN 1990-EQV
ICS Kodu : 91.010.30 Teknik Hususlar
Atıf Yapılan STD : : (ISO 14344);;  TS EN ISO 544 :2004;  TS 1990 :1994;  TS 1990 :1994 (ISO 31-0);;  
Cen/Cenelec : CEN
Dili : en
Renk Durumu : Siyah-Beyaz
Uygulama Durumu : Yürürlükten kaldırıldı (Withdrawn Standard)
Sayfa Sayısı : 87
Fiyatı : 115,00 EURO  (4.365,09 TL + %10 Kdv)
Çakışan Standart Varsa İptal Tarihi (DOW)-