Standard Arama
Standard Arama Sisteme Giriş
Standard Detayı
TS No : TS EN ISO 11607-1/A11      
Kabul Tarihi : 30.09.2022
Hazırlık Grubu : Teknik Kurul
Doküman Tipi :
Yürürlük Durumu : U (Yürürlükteki Standard/Standard)
Başlık : Tıbbi cihazların ambalajlanması - Son olarak steril edilen - Bölüm 1: Malzemeler, steril bariyer sistemleri ve ambalajlama sistemleri için gereklilikler
Başlık (İng) : Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices - Part 1: Requirements for materials, sterile barrier systems and packaging systems
Kapsam :
Kapsam (İng) : This document specifies requirements and test methods for materials, preformed sterile barrier systems, sterile barrier systems and packaging systems that are intended to maintain sterility of terminally sterilized medical devices until the point of use. It is applicable to industry, to health care facilities, and to wherever medical devices are placed in sterile barrier systems and sterilized. It does not cover all requirements for sterile barrier systems and packaging systems for medical devices that are manufactured aseptically. Additional requirements can be necessary for drug/device combinations. It does not describe a quality assurance system for control of all stages of manufacture. It does not apply to packaging materials and/or systems used to contain a contaminated medical device during transportation of the item to the site of reprocessing or disposal.
Tadil Edilen : TS EN ISO 11607-1 :2020;  TS EN ISO 11607-1 :2020;  
Yararlanılan Kaynak : EN ISO 11607-1:2020/A11:2022
Uluslararası Karşılıklar : EN ISO 11607-1:2020/A11-EQV
ICS Kodu : 11.080.30 Steril Ambalajlama
Cen/Cenelec : CEN
Dili : en
Renk Durumu : Siyah-Beyaz
Uygulama Durumu : Yürürlükte
Sayfa Sayısı : 14
Fiyatı : 10,00 EURO  (365,46 TL + %10 Kdv)
Çakışan Standart Varsa İptal Tarihi (DOW)-