Standard Arama
Standard Arama Sisteme Giriş
Standard Detayı
TS No : TS EN ISO 15620      
Kabul Tarihi : 30.09.2019
Hazırlık Grubu : Teknik Kurul
Doküman Tipi :
Yürürlük Durumu : U (Yürürlükteki Standard/Standard)
Başlık : Kaynak - Metalik malzemelerin sürtünme kaynağı
Başlık (İng) : Welding- Friction welding of metallic materials (ISO 15620:2000)
Kapsam : -
Kapsam (İng) : This document specifies requirements for the friction welding of components manufactured from metals. It specifies requirements particular to rotational friction welding related to welding knowledge, quality requirements, welding procedure specification, welding procedure approval and welding personnel. This document is appropriate where a contract, an application standard or a regulatory requirement requires the demonstration of the manufacturer's capability to produce welded constructions of a specified quality. It has been prepared in a comprehensive manner to be used as a reference in contracts. The requirements given can be adopted in full or some can be deleted, if not relevant to the construction concerned.
Yerini Aldığı : TS EN ISO 15620 :2000;  TS EN ISO 15620 :2010;  
Yararlanılan Kaynak : EN ISO 15620:2019
Uluslararası Karşılıklar : EN ISO 15620-EQV; EN ISO 15620-EQV
ICS Kodu : 25.160.10 Kaynak Prosesleri ve Kaynakçı Vasıfları
Cen/Cenelec : CEN
Dili : en
Renk Durumu : Siyah-Beyaz
Uygulama Durumu : Yürürlükte
Sayfa Sayısı : 55
Fiyatı : 94,00 EURO  (3.461,94 TL + %10 Kdv)
Çakışan Standart Varsa İptal Tarihi (DOW)-